Polybutylene Pipe (1)
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Polybutylene Pipe Problems and Their Solution-Complete Guide

Polybutylene pipe was installed in millions of homes between 1975 and 1995, but we now know that it is a faulty water pipe. It is estimated that between 7 and 10 million homes in the US were covered by poly during this period. In 1995, two major lawsuits ended the use of polybutylene, and building…

Lead Pipe (3)
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Lead Pipe Poisoning Hazards and Solutions

Lead pipes have been used for thousands of years to distribute water from one place to another, and the one-time lead pipe was very common in homes because it is cheap, rust-resistant, and easy to weld. Eventually, health concerns prompted the switch to alternative plumbing materials. Copper and special plastics (such as PVC and PEX)…

Asbestos cement pipe (4)
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How Dangerous Is Asbestos Cement Pipe

Asbestos cement pipe, also commonly known as transite pipe, was made from cement and asbestos fibers. It was highly resistant to corrosion and was widely used in drainage systems and gas lines. Government and private enterprises use asbestos cement pipes for applications such as fresh and sea water mains, gas mains, sewers, mining, agriculture, electrical…

Types of sewer pipes
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What Is a Sewer Line | Types of Sewer Pipes | Best Sewer Line Insurance Company

Friends, we all know about sewers; we all use them in our homes in general. Sewer lines are an important part of providing cleanliness and keeping us away from dirt. In this chapter, we will look at sewer pipelines, in which we will learn about the different types of sewer pipes. How types of sewer…

Galvanized pipe problem
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Galvanized Pipe Problems and Replacement Cost

If your plumbing system is pre-1960, we will discuss in this chapter what precautions you should take. In this chapter, we will discuss the galvanized pipe problems. If you have galvanized pipe, you need to know what the problem is. If you are suffering from this problem, we will study further what steps you should…

What is plumbing traps?
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15 Different Types of Plumbing Traps

Friends, in today’s topic, we will study plumbing traps which are also called water traps or drain traps. We all use plumbing traps in our daily lives, but we do not know or have little information about them. Plumbing traps work in many different places like our homes, office, big buildings, hotels, and restaurants, which…

what is cast iron pipe (3)
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What is Cast Iron Pipe | How to Repair Cast Iron Pipe | Cast Iron Pipe Replacement Cost

Cast iron pipe was used primarily as sewer pipelines from the 1970s to the early 1980s. You will see iron pipes as sewer lines in old houses built during this time or earlier, which will be cast-iron pipes. Builders favored cast iron plumbing because of its advantages, such as reliability, the durability of materials, the…

Toilet Flange Height
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How to Properly Set Your Toilet Flange Height

When installing a toilet, setting the toilet flange height is critical. The flange serves as the link between the bathroom and the sewage line. If the flange is not adjusted to the right size, the toilet will not sit on the floor, and waste may not flow properly down the sewage line. This post will…

Crazy Scary Creatures That Were Found in Pipes
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Crazy Scary Creatures That Were Found in Pipes

Pipes are a common and significant component of modern infrastructure since they deliver various services, such as water, gas, sewage, etc. On the other hand, the pipes are home to various crazy, scary, hazardous creatures. From rats and snakes to spiders and frogs, the creatures found in pipes reveal the complex and dynamic relationship between…

What Is a Sewer Camera Inspection
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What Is a Sewer Camera Inspection?

A sewer camera inspection inspects the condition of underground sewer lines and other plumbing systems. Visual inspection of the pipelines must be done using a special camera that can be inserted into the conduits. An experienced plumber will typically conduct this inspection, which can help find plumbing system problems before they worsen. In this article,…

How Do I Know If My Sewer Line Is Clogged
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How Do I Know If My Sewer Line Is Clogged?

If you don’t solve a clogged sewer line immediately, it can cause significant issues with your home’s water system and even costly repairs. Know the symptoms of a clogged sewer line so you can locate and resolve the issue before it worsens. Bad smells, gurgling noises in the lines, and blockages are some of the…

Detect and Prevent Tree Roots in Your Sewer Line
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How to Detect and Prevent Tree Roots in Your Sewer Line

Homeowners often face significant issues due to tree roots that have made their way into their sewer lines. They can contribute to costly fixes, delays, and obstructions. Identifying the presence of tree roots in your sewer line and taking preventative measures can save you a lot of money in restorations and prevent the sewer from…

What to Do When Sewer Backs Up (1)
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What to Do When Sewer Backs Up?

A sewer backup can be a messy and potentially hazardous problem for homeowners. When wastewater, sewage, or other unwanted water flows back into a building through its plumbing system, it can cause extensive property damage and pose health risks to those exposed. This article will explore what happens when your sewer backs up, including the…

Why Does My Sewer Keep Backing Up
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Why Does My Sewer Keep Backing Up?

If the sewer keeps backing up, it is a frustrating and unpleasant experience for any homeowner. This behavior may not only produce trash and odor, but it may also be harmful to your health and expensive. Many things, such as obstructions, tree roots growing into the pipes, and structural harm, can result in sewer backups….

Causes of Sewer Backup
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Causes of Sewer Backup & How to Fix It

Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with a sewer backup because of the hassle and potential harm it can cause your house. It’s dangerous because sewer backups can cause flood damage, unpleasant odors, and even health problems for us. The good news is that knowing the causes of a sewer backup can fix the problem…

Downspout Cleaning (2)
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How to Clean and Unclog Downspout

Downspouts are vertical pipes connected to the horizontal gutters of your home. It is an important part of the drainage system. Clogged downspouts can cause rainwater to back up and run down the gutter. This can damage the siding, foundation, and landscape and cause flooding in and around the home. Like your gutters, downspouts require…

Types of Surface Drainage Systems
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Different Types of Surface Drainage Systems

The main purpose of surface drainage is to prevent water from flooding or accumulating on the property. Surface drainage carries rainwater, and your drain water away from the house into streams and rivers. You need to know which type of surface drainage is best for you. This article provides information on the types of surface…